T-minus 5 days!

Just a short blog post for today!

My time in Sheffield is coming to an end... I've had a fantastic first 2 years at University here and met some amazing people. I have 2 years left of my Marketing degree at Sheffield Hallam which includes a 1 year placement (starting August) at i-to-i TEFL based in Leeds, then back to Hallam for my final year (2014/15).

With only 4 days left in Sheffield I am keeping extremely busy whilst trying to say goodbye to friends! I leave my part time job on Thursday and will miss my managers and all the staff at Schuh, I have thoroughly enjoyed working for the company and especially the Sheffield store. We're off to good old Nandos on Wednesday evening for a bite to eat to say goodbye to me :(

I've recently started sorting my bedroom and belongings out ready to pack them up into boxes on Friday, needless to say, I think I've purchased too many things in Sheffield this past year... I'm taking home A LOT more boxes than I came with!

I'm filled with mixed emotions on moving back home to Wolverhampton, I can't wait to see my  family & friends yet I'm sad to leave Schuh and my friends here in Sheffield.

I'll post later on in the week with 'Moving out Day' and some pictures of the endless amounts of belongings there are to fit into the car! Thanks for reading!


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