Samsung Galaxy S4 Review - My Verdict

As I haven't posted onto my blog for some time now, I thought it would be a great time to review the Samsung Galaxy S4. However, this won't be an average review... I'm going to write in Layman's terms, because if you're like me, you probably wont understand all of the technical talk that's included in most phone reviews. I'm going to write an open and honest review about the things that I look out for when I'm buying a new phone. 

Before I start, I've been using the S4 for about 2 months now and I'm LOVING it! I upgraded from an iPhone 4 (and what an upgrade it has been), the S4 is simply amazing! At first I was a bit apprehensive to leave Apple and my beloved iPhone, and while the transition wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, the S4 is such a better phone! 

So here goes, my review (in Layman's terms):

What's in the box?

First of all the box is tiny. I really wonder how they fit everything in it! Here's what's inside:
  • A Charger
  • Earphones - The sound is great! They're noise cancelling too.
  • USB Cable - If there's one thing that's annoying, it's the length of the cable, even shorter than the iPhone one. 
  • Phone Guide & Handbook - Great little books showing you hints and tips on how to use your new phone.
  • Battery
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 - VERY lightweight compared to my previously heavy iPhone 4.

Screen Display

The technical side: 5-inch 440ppi 1080p Super AMOLED Display

My verdict: A beautiful display! The text... clear and crisp. App It really is great (100 times better than the small screen of the iPhone 4)!


The Samsung Galaxy S4 is one of the fastest smartphones on the market right now. With a 1.9GHz quad-core Snapdragon 600 processor and 2GB of ram, there's never (EVER) a slow down, even when playing large games or skipping between apps whilst you're using them. 

Comparing this to my previous phone (the iPhone 4), I always had to close down apps to play games and it was genuinely one of the slowest phones I've ever owned!


What more can I say other than that the battery lasts me a full day (even more sometimes). That's even with me playing games on it throughout my lunch break and using it for the usual things like texting and internetting. 


The technical side: 13MP Rear Camera (1080p video capture), 2MP Front Camera (great for SnapChat!)

I can now say I own a smartphone that has a better quality camera than my purpose bought digital camera (that only has 10MP)! The camera is great and reacts well in all kinds of lights (as well as working well in the dark). It also has Facial Recognition technology for those all important selfies!

There are a number of different modes (including; dual cameras, drama shots, animated photos and much more)!

The quality of the pictures I take are great and would highly recommend the S4 if you're looking for a smartphone with a great camera!

Design (Hardware)

The only thing I don't like about the S4... it's plastic! However, saying that It is a lot lighter than any other phone I've ever owned and it feels well made. The official colour is Black Mist, although it's kind of a dark silver with a small diamond pattern on the rear. The camera looks nice on the back and overall the phone looks great and stylish (one of the main reasons I bought it).

So...if you're contemplating getting a Samsung Galaxy S4, I'd say go for it! You won't regret it as overall it's a great smartphone. It's quick, it has a great camera and looks modern/stylish!

I hope you liked today's blog post and please check back soon for more.
