The end is near...

I realised today that I have only 8 days left of my second year at university. Time is going so fast! I cannot wait to take a year out and work at i-to- TEFL, It's going to be a fantastic experience and I hope to meet so many nice people!

Today I went for a coffee with a friend. Mocha of course, however I do like a Caramel Macchiato from the one and only Starbucks! 

Large Mocha @ Costa!

After chatting for a couple of hours, we parted ways and I headed to the library (which has been my home over the past week or so). I seriously contemplated taking a duvet or a sleeping bag to have a nap whilst doing the endless amounts of work I had to do!

However after determination set in, I sat down and worked for hours on end on a report on the Marketing Channel Strategy of worldwide fashion retailer, H&M. It has taken me over a week to plan, research and write the report but I can finally say it is FINISHED! Never have I been so relieved to finish an assignment.

I've had such a busy week and decided that tomorrow I am going to have a lazy day... although I'll still have to do a spot of reading for another essay I need to start planning and writing (Psychology, Behaviour and Communications, not my favourite subject), however I'm going to stay determined because once it is done I can embark on a having a fantastic summer and looking forward to starting my placement!

In just 8 days I'll be over half way through my degree! Scary...

The end is near...


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