Summer 2015 - Working in the USA

Yes, I might be a little ahead of time, but over the past few months I've been contemplating heading abroad after graduating from university next year. I've finally decided that I am going to head to the USA to work at a summer camp through Camp Leaders.

Although it's a whole year away, I am ridiculously excited! I've never been to the US and I cannot wait to explore it, it's been a dream of mine to go there for so many years. The great thing about heading there to work at a summer camp is the fact you get to travel for up to 30 days after finishing camp. Hopefully it'll be the most amazing summer ever!

Although applications don't officially open until July/August time, I've already started to create a video about why camps should hire me (I'll post it to the blog once it's finished, it's currently very amateurish). I've also started to fill out sections of the application form such as what activities I'd like to teach and I've started to write my personal statement.

I found Secret Diary of a Camp Counsellor such a good website full of lots of useful resources. I've even purchased the e-Book for just £4, I'm looking forward to reading it and finding out what really happens at US summer camps! 

I'll update this post regularly to keep you up to date with the application process and what stages I'm at throughout the next few months. So keep checking back to find out all about my American adventure!

Have you had an amazing time working at a summer camp in the US? I'd love to hear from you, tell me all about it!
